Virtual Box Simulator (2009)

In late 2009, the Postal Service was looking for a way to promote their new flat rate boxes — “If it fits, it ships”. But customers didn’t know what size box to get, without going to the Post Office or digging out their measuring tape. Enter AR.

Client: US Postal Service

Agency: AKQA

Role: Lead Flash Developer

Postal Service Brings Augmented Reality Down to Earth (Adweek)

 Force Unleashed II (2010)

I grew up a huge video game nerd. I also grew up a huge Star Wars fan. So when the two came together for my very first assignment as a newly-minted Creative Director, I was over the moon (of Endor).

Client: LucasArts

Agency: AKQA

Role: Creative Lead, Lead Flash Developer

Fallout 3 (2008)

Client: Bethesda Softworks

Agency: AKQA

Role: Lead Flash Developer